FWA Training:  Accessibility
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Once you've let your remote worker know what is expected, it's his or her responsibility to keep in touch with you. However, it's your responsibility to stay on top of the arrangement to know what is going on. The two of you should discuss how accessible you are both going to be.

What is your expectation of how flexible the remote worker's schedule can be? Will he or she have to be available during "regular" business hours or will it be okay to mix work and other activities during a longer day?

What is the best means of staying in touch with the remote worker?

How frequently do you expect the remote worker to check email and voicemail?


What is your expectation of how accessible your manager will be to you? If he or she is needed for help, is there a particular time when you can call?

How often will you be checking your voicemail and email?

Accessibility has to go both ways for remote work to work.

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